About Us
I remember the day I turned 18. I was so excited that I could FINALLY join Avon.
It was my first taste of direct sales and I was hooked!
I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs never seeing either of my parents work the 9-5 job. They were always starting new businesses, venturing, taking chances and making things work. We were always well off financially and I never saw my parents' struggle. My father was always his own boss and that example ingrained in my soul. It was the life I wanted, running my own business was what I craved.
While I am not overly girly, I have always had a love for all things sparkly, especially jewelry! In 2007 I was introduced to my first ever direct sales jewelry company! I had know idea how much my life was about to change!
I grew to a 6 figure earner, running a team of over 300 women and men. My team was in the top 3 for sales & recruiting every single month.
I walked the stage at convention earning recognition, prizes and awards, I earned all expense paid trips, and more jewelry than I knew what to do with. I met the most incredible people, and made forever lasting friendships. I traveled the world and even bought the home of our dreams. My husband was able to leave his full time job and we were living a life many only ever dream of.
However... my dreams along with thousands of other's came crashing down when the company closed it's doors with no notice. Ripping away what so many of us worked so hard to achieve. A lifestyle of rags to riches, quickly turning from riches to rags. My husband could not return to his previous employment and took a job making $10 an hour. I had no choice but, to work a 9-5 job.
My taste of direct sales, was quickly tainted with no desire to ever look at another company again. I tried so many 9-5 jobs, always finding my way back to wanting that freedom, that confidence, that connection to my dreams.
It was never about the money. Through it all what I loved the very most, was watching other's achieve those same dreams. Watching goals become reality, and literally seeing lives transform. My passion became teaching and inspiring other's to develop as, friends, as a sister, a mother, a wife and most importantly themselves.
I wanted to create a culture, and a circle of family and friends who have the same passions, the same goals, the same dreams and to help each and every one of them become who and everything they were meant to be. It is my goal and it is my dream... and because of that Moxie & Mint was born.
Moxie is a noun that refers to "force of character, determination or nerve. It is often used to describe someone who has self confidence, assurance, and coolness. The term is also used to describe someone who has the courage and determination to do something that is difficult or risky.
Starting a business isn't easy, it is risky and it is difficult, but I know that we have the power to connect people to their dreams and to transform lives. It's not about the Jewelry. It's about the women and men who believe in so much more!
We hope you'll consider becoming a part of Moxie & Mint and give us the opportunity to show you why and how, it's different over here.
Much love,
Konae H.